Saturday, May 7, 2011

Endless Love: A Chocolate Romance

It was a Friday night and the outside world was a-swarming with cyclo gangs and their cries of "CYCLO?? WHERE YOU GO??"; German tourists with the fanny packs and capri pants sipping mango shakes; and young backpacker rats singing Justin Bieber at the top of their lungs at various bars along lining the street.

And given what happened earlier in the evening with Li, who would have thought that my feelings of mild loneliness could be quickly assuaged with a Vanilla-Chocolate Endless Romance ice cream cone? Now, I know, I know--comfort eating brings no comfort. But the little old lady's (who sold me the cone) compliment that I had "nice eyes" and that my Vietnamese was very good sure did!

Post Chocolate Bliss

Now, if you know anything about me, you'll know how much I love chocolate. Here are just a couple of the Chocolate-y things I enjoy: 


2. Ligeti 

I believe in miracles: He brings the heat!
 I cannot wait to see this cat; I will have many treats...

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