Sunday, May 8, 2011

Aerobics and Cookies

So I was feeling particularly bloated this afternoon--I'm not sure why. This evening, after dinner, I decided to try some light aerobics. I'm a huge fan of aerobics, by the way... And really cannot wait to begin it again. At some point. In earnest.

Anyway, I thought a 30 minute work-out would help me to feel better--and it did. My playlist featured Santigold, Gipsy Kings, and of course, Beyonce. Because you know, no work-out is ever complete without at least one or two Beyonce tracks. Now, what may have sabotaged my efforts was that roll of strawberry cream Oreos sitting in the mini-fridge.

After showering and resting, I sat ate the entire roll. About... a dozen cookies? I mean, I enjoyed it, to be sure. But afterward, I got to thinking--the Oreos probably canceled out the few calories I burned dancing. And then I felt like a chubby chubster (which I am, I realize this) and just had to kick myself. Next time I will eat the Oreos PRIOR to my work-out!

Nothin' like chocolate fuel...

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